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Ignatius Loyola was a war invalid with a saint complex who sought a new career and settled with Pope Paul III to found the Jesuit order and continue the Inquisition's extermination of Protestants and non-Catholics. He was later canonized like many of the popes and Jesuit generals.

Actually, it should be enough to take note of the information about Ignatius Loyola-created Jesuit order to realize that the spirituality he represents is not in harmony with Jesus' teachings. Here are some excerpts from Ignatius Loyola's guide for spiritual guides in Ignatian spirituality.

The Church of Sweden offers Ignatian spirituality in many of the country's congregations, as well as the prison service, associations and course yards and initiates unsuspecting Christians / seekers on a spiritual path that teaches the opposite of Jesus' message.


"First, how much I am in comparison with all men; Second, what humans are compared to all the angels and saints of paradise; look at myself as a wound, from which so many sins and so many iniquities and so much disgusting poison have arisen. In the second exercise, make myself a great sinner and in handcuffs; that is, will appear bound as in handcuffs before the Supreme Eternal Judge; take, for example, how prisoners are handcuffed and already deserve death."

First Prelude.
The first Prelude is the composition, which is here to see the length, breadth and depth of hell with the sight of the imagination Second Prelude. The second, to ask for what I want: it will be here to ask for the inner feeling of the pain that the damned suffer, so that, if I should forget the love of the Eternal Lord through my mistakes, at least fear of the pain can help me not to fall into sin. First point. The first point will be to see with the sight of the imagination the great fires and souls as in burning bodies. Second point. The second, to hear with the ears lament, howl, cry, blasphemy against Christ our Lord and against all his saints. Third point. The third, that smell with the smell smoke, sulfur, debris and rotten things. Fourth point. The fourth, to taste with the taste bitter things, such as tears and sorrow . Fifth point. The fifth, to touch the touch; that is, how the fires touch and burn the souls."

To imagine Christ, our Lord, present and placed on the cross ... to see him so, and so nailed to the cross ... and from eternal life has come to temporal death, and so to die for my sins. Sixth addendum. Not wanting to think of things of pleasure or joy, such as heavenly glory, resurrection , etc. For any consideration of joy and happiness prevents us from feeling pain and sorrow and sheds tears for our sins: without holding before me what I want to mourn and feel pain and rather bring to mind Death and Judgment. Seventh addendum. The seventh: For the same purpose, to deprive myself of all light, close blinds and doors while I'm in the room, unless it's for reciting prayers, for reading and eating.

"The first point is to see the persons; that is, to see Our Lady, Joseph, and the Child Jesus, I make myself a poor creature and a poor man of an unworthy slave, looking at them and serving them in their needs, Third way. The third, to discipline the flesh, that is, to give it sensible pain, which is given by wearing cloth or strings or iron chains beside the flesh, by whipping or wounding, and by other kinds of austerity . Note. What appears to be most appropriate and safest with regard to penance is that the pain should be felt in the flesh and not go into the bones, so that it causes pain and not disease ".

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